I am investigating bcrypt_pbkdf(3) or bcrypt(3) to secure passphrases
within an existing application.

However, the man page for bcrypt_pbkdf() does not mention the
72-character password limit that bcrypt() does, especially given
bcrypt_pbkdf() appears to accept an output buffer whose length is the
caller's choice.

72 characters may seem short, but the application currently
concatenates a non-secret global file ID to the passphrase;
this can easily make the total length go past 72 characters. I am
interested in knowing if I will need to remove the concatenated info
from the input.

1. Does the 72-character limit also apply to bcrypt_pbkdf() [presumably
   this will mean softraid(4) crypto won't accept passwords >72 chars

2. What is the recommended buffer size to be passed to bcrypt_pbkdf()?

3. In the BUGS section in the bcrypt(3) man page it mentions that
   crypt() returns a pointer to static data. Is it safe/smart to assume
   this constraint also applies to bcrypt() calls?

Some assistance clarifying this would be appreciated.

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