On Wed, February 22, 2017 9:02 pm, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
> My relayd.conf fu is lame and needs help.  Given the following config:
> ---8<---8<---
> interval 60
> timeout 2000
> table <webhosts> { w1.example.com w2.example.com w3.example.com }
> http protocol https {
>         tcp { nodelay, sack }
>         match request header append "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
>         match request header append "X-Forwarded-By" \
>                 value "$SERVER_ADDR:$SERVER_PORT"
>         match request header set "Connection" value "close"
> }
> relay web {
>         listen on port 443 tls
>         protocol https
>         forward with tls to <webhosts> port https mode loadbalance \
>                 check https "/" code 200
> }
> ---8<---8<---
> I am trying to figure out how to intercept request paths beginning with
> "/xy/"
> so that I can forward them to a different port in the same server pool.
> I.e.:
>   https://host.example.com/xy/mumblebarge ->
> https://<webhosts>:5555/xy/mumblebarge
>   https://host.example.com/anything_else  ->
> https://<webhosts>/anything_else
> It seems this should be possible, but I just can't get my head around
> relayd.conf(5) :-(
> --lyndon

I have an example at work I can dig up tomorrow, but look at the Filter
Rules.  You need bits like: 'pass request path "/xy" forward to
<webhosts-xy> '
and probably a catch all 'pass forward to <webhosts>' for the rest of the

You need to specify the two forwards to the two tables in your relay
section.  You need two tables since each will go to a different port and
the forward to filter only knows about the table name.

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