Otto Moerbeek wrote:
Now I agree that the difference you are seeing is larger than I would
expect. I would run a ls -laR or du -k on the filesystems and diff the
results to see if the contents are realy the same. My bet is that
you'll discover some files that are not on the system with a smaller
usage.  It is also perfectly possible that files having holes (also
called spare files) play a role: they take less space than their
length, but depending on how you copy them, the copy does take the
full amount of blocks.

So, I now did the ls -laR on each system:

ls -laR /var/www/sites > /tmp/wwwx where x was the server number

Then I compare the results with diff www1 www2 as well as diff www1 and www3:

diff www1 www3 >/tmp/check

Then look at the check file, nothing that can explain the difference there. The only difference in file size there are the log files as they change live obviously, but the rest is the same.

I still can't explain it even using the ls -LaR options and looking at the diff between them.

In any case definitely nothing in the order of ~ 4GB.

I guess next test would be to wipe out and reinstall fresh to be sure.

PS; I did reboot the servers in case there was any open files or anything like that, still same results.

Now the only thing in what Otto said that make me thing is this statement "but depending on how you copy them".

I use rsync all the time to do this!

Like: rsync -e ssh -auqz --delete ....

Would this explain it? I can't imagine it would, but I don't know everything for sure.

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