Hi @misc,

I have a question about pf and its possibility to filter packets by process group: is it a reasonable practice to use setgid for add some rules that allow only specific programs to use some services? For example, only permit the ftp command and firefox to use HTTP and HTTPS services?

If I create a separate group for each program I want to allow, is there any additional risk induce by the use of the setgid? Also, does this practise can be helpful by adding a supplementary layer of protection or is it useless?

$ ls -l /usr/bin/ftp
-r-xr-sr-x  1 root  ftpcmd  151168 Jul 26  2016 /usr/bin/ftp
$ grep ftpcmd /etc/pf.conf
pass out on if proto tcp from (if:0) to any port { 80,443 } group ftpcmd

Kind regards,


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