
I'm trying to set up my OpenBSD 6.0 box as an L2TP/IPsec server for my
Android phone to connect to. It appears that recent Android versions have a
bug that can prevent it to successfully use HMAC_SHA2_256 for its built-in
L2TP/IPsec VPN client. (Whether the bug occurs seems to depend on the
specifics of the Linux kernel that happens to be used for the device. See
https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=196939 for more

I suspect I'm hit by this bug. The isakmpd negotiations seem to work fine,
but npppd doesn't see any traffic. When tcpdumping the external interface
of the OpenBSD box, I see incoming encrypted traffic, but on a
simultaneously running tcpdump on the enc0 interface, I see no traffic at
all. This behavior is consistent with the Android bug description: Android
is requesting a SHA2 HMAC, but it is using a DRAFT version that is
incompatible with the final RFC.

So, to validate that I'm indeed hitting this bug (and also as a workaround)
I tried to set up the OpenBSD side to not use SHA2. I haven't been able to
get this running yet: isakmpd always seems to offer HMAC_SHA2_256.

Here is /etc/ipsec.conf:

ike passive esp transport \
  proto udp from egress to any port 1701 \
  main auth "hmac-sha1" enc "aes" group modp1024 \
  quick auth "hmac-sha1" enc "aes" group modp1024 \

With this configuration, isakmpd still offers HMAC_SHA2_256. See a snippet
of the output of tcpdumping the pcap file created by isakmpd below. The "
ziggo.nl" address is OpenBSD, the "static.kpn.net" address is my Android
phone connected to the cellular network):

15:31:00.865423 static.kpn.net.ipsec-nat-t >
5356F312.cm-6-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl.isakmp: [bad udp cksum e50! -> 74e4]
udpencap: isakmp v1.0 exchange QUICK_MODE
        cookie: 0f659aa030f4904d->64d8256cce1ec37b msgid: 8281d122 len: 460
        payload: HASH len: 24
        payload: SA len: 336 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 324 proposal: 1 proto: IPSEC_ESP spisz:
4 xforms: 12 SPI: 0x0a89e2b7
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 1 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 256
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA2_256
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 2 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 256
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 3 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 256
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 4 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 128
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA2_256
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 5 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 128
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 6 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 128
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 7 ID: 3DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA2_256
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 8 ID: 3DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 9 ID: 3DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 10 ID: DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA2_256
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 11 ID: DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 12 ID: DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
        payload: NONCE len: 20
        payload: ID len: 12 proto: 17 port: 0 type: IPV4_ADDR =
        payload: ID len: 12 proto: 17 port: 1701 type: IPV4_ADDR = [ttl 0] (id 1, len 492)
15:31:00.865689 5356F312.cm-6-7d.dynamic.ziggo.nl.ipsec-nat-t >
static.kpn.net.ipsec-nat-t: [bad udp cksum 9d3a! -> 1d43] udpencap: isakmp
v1.0 exchange QUICK_MODE
        cookie: 0f659aa030f4904d->64d8256cce1ec37b msgid: 8281d122 len: 148
        payload: HASH len: 24
        payload: SA len: 52 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 40 proposal: 1 proto: IPSEC_ESP spisz: 4
xforms: 1 SPI: 0xacb10a8a
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 28
                    transform: 1 ID: AES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 28800
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = UDP_ENCAP_TRANSPORT
                        attribute KEY_LENGTH = 256
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_SHA2_256
        payload: NONCE len: 20
        payload: ID len: 12 proto: 17 port: 0 type: IPV4_ADDR =
        payload: ID len: 12 proto: 17 port: 1701 type: IPV4_ADDR = [ttl 0] (id 1, len 180)

ipsecctl shows that hmac-sha2-256 is indeed selected:

# ipsecctl -s all
flow esp in proto udp from to port l2tp peer srcid dstid type use
flow esp out proto udp from port l2tp to peer srcid dstid type require

esp transport from to spi 0x030ab16e auth
hmac-sha2-256 enc aes-256
esp transport from to spi 0xa31bf5b1 auth
hmac-sha2-256 enc aes-256

Using the FIFO based interface to isakmpd, I verified that HMAC_SHA is

# get "[Phase 2]:Connections"
# get "[Phase 2]:Passive-Connections"
# get "[from-re1=17-to-]:Configuration"
# get "[phase2-from-re1=17-to-]:Suites"
# get "[phase2-suite-from-re1=17-to-]:Protocols"
# get "[phase2-protocol-from-re1=17-to-]:PROTOCOL_ID"
# get "[phase2-protocol-from-re1=17-to-]:Transforms"
# get

I'm likely to miss something obvious here. Why is isakmpd negotiating
HMAC_SHA2_256 instead of HMAC_SHA, as it is configured to do? Any hints
would be much appreciated.


Jurjen Oskam

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