You know things are bad when a programming language is named after a
type of often-unwanted corrosion (often associated with iron alloys) or
a type of devastating plant fungus.

And what good are these "memory-safe" languages when there are so many
that you won't be able to remember them?

On Tue, 28 Mar 2017 20:12:48 -0400
Donald Allen <> wrote:

> On 28 March 2017 at 17:59,  <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just want to know the opinion of OpenBSD developpers about Rust
> > and Go, I already know Ted's opinion.
> >
> >
> > As they are both touted as memory safe, what do you think about
> > them ?  
> I've written some code in both and given up on both of them. I found
> Rust difficult to learn, mostly because the documentation is just
> awful, in my opinion. The principal writer, Klabnick, knows the
> subject matter, but he just doesn't write well, again, in my opinion.
> His first attempt at a Rust "Book" is currently being re-written. He
> now has a co-author. I've looked at the second attempt, filed some PRs
> to try to help, but finally threw up my hands when I was told that
> something that is standard practice in C *and* is supported by their
> software was not "idiomatic". They use that term a lot. It's a bit
> like a certain political party in the US that talks about freedom a
> lot. Then you find out that their definition of the word is "we want
> you to be free to do what we want you to do". It's too bad the
> documentation situation is at it is, because the language and its
> compiler have real potential.
> Go is much better documented and, in general, feels more mature, more
> finished. But it just felt uninspired to me and I felt a sense of
> relief when I went back to C. C is far from perfect, but after all
> these years, we know its warts, the compilers are solid, it's
> extremely well documented (K&R, Harbison and Steele) and the libraries
> are ..... well, you all know.
> When I don't need C's performance, I use Haskell, a brilliant language
> and the Glasgow compiler and libraries are excellent. Hackage provides
> a rich assortment of additional libraries.
> >
> > Regards  

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