Dear Misc group

I am trying to install 6.0 (amd64) in a Samsung Laptop (model np300v4a)  but
in the default graphic mode the display just let nothing good to read, so i
assumed that the video resolution is not supported. (Attach pic, but nothing
interesting to show there)

I had the same experience in FBSD, and the way i came around the issue was to
use the graphic output protocol command (gop) in the loader prompt at boot by
pressing at boot op 3 "Escape to loader prompt” then using the command gop
[list | get | set <mode>]  and finally selecting mode 1: 640x480x32,
stride=60, and it worked.

In this case, i tried in 6.0 the boot command: machine video, but it only
allow me to select mode 0: 80x25.

I did not find any additional information in the FAQ or in the man pages
( <>  boot.conf, 8- System Manager´s
Manual, amd64, OpenBSD-6.0)

Needless to say, the installer works fine since i have used it in other server

Is there any other way to change the graphic output mode at boot in 6.0? And,
where should i found the additional the documentation about that?

Thank you in advance for your support.


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