On Sat, Apr 08, 2017 at 08:48:43PM +0200, Thuban wrote:
> Hello,
> I use relayd to deal with HTTP headers as suggested here [1].
> My problem is that in httpd logs, the origin IP is and thats
> not very handy to track bruteforce attacks (in example).
> Do you have any advice to keep the visitor IP in logs ?
> [1] : 
> https://github.com/reyk/httpd/wiki/Using-relayd-to-add-Cache-Control-headers-to-httpd-traffic
> -- 
> :thuban:


It's commonly done by adding a X-Forwarded-For header with the origin IP.

>From the relayd.conf(5) man page:

           http protocol "https" {
                   match header append "X-Forwarded-For" \
                           value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
                   match header append "X-Forwarded-By" \
                           value "$SERVER_ADDR:$SERVER_PORT"

                   ... snip snip ...

I hope this helps you,

Kind regards,

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