
On Sat, 22 Apr 2017 21:55:58 -0400
Predrag Punosevac <punoseva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Predrag Punosevac write:
> > Hi misc,
> > 
> > ldapd on one of my two ldap servers stop working overnight
> >   
> ldapd died again overnight. I noticed that this started happening not
> right after the upgrade to 6.1 but less than 24h  after I added a
> person to my LDAP database. How do I go about debugging a daemon? I am
> reading
> http://man.openbsd.org/rc.d
> and I have used option -d when a daemon fails to start but I really
> need to catch what happens when ldapd dies and redirect to the log
> file. 

Use the options "-dv" at first.  If you need to see th BER messages use
"-dvv"  (see also "man ldapd").

Could you post an example setup, i.e. ldapd.conf and a LDIF file?

Best regards

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