On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 10:47:28AM +0200, Stefan Sperling wrote:
| > So if anyone knows of a way to rotate the screen from EFI, I'm all
| > ears.
| Add the Rotate option to your xorg.conf, for instance:
|  Section "Device"
|          Identifier "default device"
|          Driver "wsfb"
|          option "Rotate" "CW"
|  EndSection

Thanks Stefan!  That's exactly what I did and it worked a wonder:


Very cool :)

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd

| See wsfb(4):
|        Option "Rotate" "string"
|             Enable rotation of the display. The supported values are "CW"
|             (clockwise, 90 degrees), "UD" (upside down, 180 degrees) and
|             "CCW" (counter clockwise, 270 degrees).  Implies use of the
|             shadow framebuffer layer.  Default: off.


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