On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 03:47:00PM -0400, Ted Unangst wrote:
> Andreas KusalanandaKähäri wrote:
> > I'll try copying from an existing installation, and if that proves to be
> > too problematic, I guess I just have to check out the OPENBSD_6_1 branch
> > and build a new release (which I really had hoped I would not have to
> > do).
> There's nothing magic about the "patch" files, they're just a tgz with updated
> files in them. The syspatch command does some nice things like saving old
> files for rollback, and downloading and verifying the contents, but if you
> look in http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/syspatch/6.1/amd64/ it shouldn't be
> too hard to work out your own procedure. You're on your own, but it may be
> easier than building src from scratch.

This is much appreciated.  I will take responsibility for my own
mistakes and I will easily recover if I screw up.

Thanks Ted!

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