On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 1:58 AM, Eric Johnson <eri...@colossus.gruver.net>

> Has anyone else had problems with sshd and IPv6 after applying the latest
> patches?  It seems to me that the patches disabled the use of IPv6 for
> ssh.
> When I try to set the IPv6 address I want it to listen to in sshd_config,
> sshd fails with the following message:
> bad addr or host: 2001:1890:1263:a14:: (no address associated with name)
> Using the default sshd_config, ssh is only listening on IPv4 addresses.
> Eric Johnson
It's working here, fully patched 6.1 system.
To make sure it's not because of the :: inet6 address, I tested this, where
2001:xxxx:xxxx is the /48 my ISP delegates to me:

# doas ifconfig em1 inet6 2001:xxxx:xxxx::
# doas rcctl restart sshd
sshd (ok)
sshd (ok)
# telnet 2001:xxxx:xxxx::
Trying 2001:xxxx:xxxx::...
Connected to 2001:xxxx:xxxx::.
Escape character is '^]'.

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