Em 10/05/2017 07:54, Ajitabh Pandey escreveu:

I am running collectd server on my OpenBSD 6.1 box and various clients are
sending stats to this box. I see /var/collectd that various RRDs are
getting created. However, I am not sure what should I used to see the
graphs. I looked at RRDCGI but it looks way complicated to setup. I could
not find collectd-web package also.

Searching on web I see that for a non-chrooted web server there are
straight forward scripts available. Most of the instructions are for linux.

I would prefer to use OpenBSD httpd and not resort to non-chrooted apache
or nginx. I am finding it really difficult to find something suitable which
works under chroot.

I am able to run a hello world cgi script in chroot.

If any of you guys have some information/config/tool etc to share for
collectd graphs, it would be of great help.

Thanks & Regards.

Can't help with your chroot requisite. But I did spent some doing looking into that and can share something.

All (Perl) CGI's is something I don't recommend to. First, they are CGIs, second, even if you're able to configure them you will get a lot of warnings because the CGI module in Perl is getting deprecated.

I went with rrdscout (Flask web application). It should be enough for your needs and uses a modern framework. On the other hand, I'm not sure it is being maintained anymore. I forked it on Github and generate a INSTALL document specific for OpenBSD:


I had to install freetype from ports too to be able to generated readable charts from the RRD:

cd /usr/ports/print/freetype
make install
make clean
make clean=depends

Hope that helps you.


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