On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 11:55:15PM -0800, Jacob Meuser wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 08:17:15AM +0100, Karl-Ludwig Reinhard wrote:
> > hello list,
> > 
> > I'm looking for a openbsd live cd for sys admins, but the only thing  
> > I've found was the anonym.os. Is there any other live cd based on  
> > openbsd?
> > 

My personal "man livecd"
If anybody thinks something is wrong with it please tell me, I'm eager
to learn :)

Hint this is optimized for vim, tw=80 and syntax highlighting set to "CONF".

#   live_cd                     OpenBSD                             2006.01.19

Since there isn't (unfortunately) an official OpenBSD Live CD we will create

We need a current system and create a release with source code
-> release

# Alternatively you could use OpenBSD stable/release if you have the source code
# available

Create a directory, this will become root '/' on the CD.
# NOTE: If there is not enought free space on '/usr/' you have to choose a
# different directory (of course you can do so anyway) and change the paths in
# all following commands accordingly
"mkdir -p /usr/livecd/backups/dev"

# COMPLICATED way SKIP this! (Life is to short for this kind of stuff!)
#Nun muss das gesamte root System, welches in der Release Tarballs enthalten ist
#in das livecd Verzeichnis entpackt werden:
#"cp baseXX.tgz /usr/livecd/ && cd /usr/livecd/ && tar pxzf baseXX.tgz"
     # Dies ist f|r alle gew|nschten Teile des Systems zu wiederholen!

#Weitere Dateien anpassen:
#"etc/motd" "etc/mygate"    "etc/myname"    "etc/sysctl.conf"   "etc/rc.conf"
#Tastatur Layout:
#F|r Netzwerkkarten vorsorgen:
#"etc/hostname.*"   "etc/resolv.conf"
#"rm etc/localtime && ln -s usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin etc/localtime"

#Benutzer anlegen:
## Am einfachsten:
#Auf "Host System" den Benutzer, Gruppe anlegen und diese Eintrage per 
#Cut/Paste in "/etc/group" und "/etc/master.passwd" einf|gen.

#-> afterboot       # ssh , etc.

#-> sicherheit

#Packete hinzuf|gen ?

# Simple way to get this done
Grab an empty hard drive and make a fresh nice and SLIM install of OpenBSD. As
said above you need the source code to the version you install!
# HINT: Against all good practices ONLY create an 'a' partition since it will
# make creating the CD much more easier than having multiple partions.
This includes all packages/ports you want to be on the CD.
You should configure the system EXACTLY like you want it to be on CD.
# The settings should be fairly generic, especially /etc/X11/xorg.conf should
# use the vesa driver and a resolution of "1024x768"!

Now mount this partition with another OpenBSD system in order to create a
(compressed) tar archive.
# NOTE: Do not forget the 'p' flag!
"cd /mnt/ && tar pczf ~/livecd_root.tar.gz *"

We transfer this archive to our build machine and extract into our livecd
directory we created earlier:
"tar pxzf livecd_root.tar.gz -C /usr/livecd/"

We have to copy "/var", "/etc", "/dev", "/root" and "/home" from "/usr/livecd"
to "/usr/livecd/backup":
# WARNING: Delete the "shell history", "vim info" and other documents we might
# NOT want to have on our CD:
"cd /usr/livecd && rm -i {root,home/*}/{.history,.viminfo} "
"cp -pR /usr/livecd/{var,etc,root,home} /usr/livecd/backups/"
"cp -pR /usr/livecd/dev/MAKEDEV /usr/livecd/backups/dev/"
# WARNING: Check for permission issues in livecd directory

Since a CD is not huge we will compress the "backup" directories into compressed
tar archives:
# NOTE: This is ONE long command line, you could split it into several steps
"cd /usr/livecd/backups && \
tar pzcf var.tar.gz var && \
tar pzcf etc.tar.gz etc && \
tar pzcf dev.tar.gz dev && \
tar pzcf home.tar.gz home && \
tar pzcf root.tar.gz root/.[a-z]* && \
rm -rf /usr/livecd/backups/{var,etc,dev,home,root}"

We have to create virtual partitions in memory (MFS) since we want them to be
faster and more importantly writeable. On boot the content extract of the
archives under "/livecd/backups" is extract into them.

We have to modify the "etc/rc" script in order for this to work:
--------------------------- /usr/livecd/etc/rc ---------------------------------
# Insert this AFTER
# rm -f /fastboot     # XXX (root now writeable)

# Create/mount mfs partitions
echo 'mounting mfs'
mount_mfs   -s 51200    -o async,nosuid,nodev,noatime   swap    /var
mount_mfs   -s 6144 -i 4096 -o async,nosuid,nodev,noatime   swap    /etc
mount_mfs   -s 2048 -i 128  -o async,noatime        swap    /dev
mount_mfs   -s 6144     -o async,nosuid,nodev,noatime   swap    /tmp
mount_mfs   -s 8192     -o async,nosuid,nodev,noatime   swap    /home
mount_mfs   -s 8192     -o async,nosuid,nodev,noatime   swap    /root

# Seems that a short break is necessary here
sleep 2

# Copy over all stuff in mfs partitions
echo -n 'copying files: var '
tar pzxf /backups/var.tar.gz -C /
echo -n 'etc '
tar pzxf /backups/etc.tar.gz -C /
echo -n 'dev '
tar pzxf /backups/dev.tar.gz -C /
echo -n 'home '
tar pzxf /backups/home.tar.gz -C /
echo -n 'root' 
echo '.'
tar pzxf /backups/root.tar.gz -C /
echo 'creating device nodes'
cd /dev && sh MAKEDEV all

# Set correct permissions for tmp dirs
test -d /var/tmp && chmod 1777 /var/tmp
test -d /tmp && chmod 1777 /tmp

# Insert this AFTER
# if [ -f /sbin/kbd -a -f /etc/kbdtype ]; then

# We need a root Password
echo 'Need to set a root password'

# We need a password for our default user as well
echo "Need to set a password for default user 'ahblive'"
passwd ahblive

# Insert this at the very END

# Start X environment?
echo 'Do you want to have a [G]raphical environment or [C]onsole only?'
read ans
if [ "$ans" == "G" -o "$ans" == "g" -o "$ans" == "Graphical" ] ; then

Create devices we need to boot
# NOTE: not all of them would be necessary, but they don't hurt either since 
# we mount a mfs partition on the real /dev and create devices on boot
"cd /usr/livecd/dev && ./MAKEDEV all"

# WARNING: As said several times use the source MATCHING YOUR BINARIES!
# Bad things will happen if your kernel is not in sync with userland!
Now we need to compile a modified GENERIC kernel that is able to boot from CD,
we also have to compile it with RAMDISK
"cd /usr/src/sys/arch/$arch/conf"   # NOTE: Only tested for i386, amd64
------------------- /usr/src/sys/$arch/conf/RAMDISK_CD -------------------------
# config bsd swap generic       < - we have to comment this one out
option  MINIROOTSIZE=3800
config  bsd root on cd0a

Compile the modified kernel:
"config RAMDISK_CD && cd ../compile/RAMDISK_CD/ && make clean && make depend && 
-> kernel_compilieren

Copy the compiled kernel in the root directory of livecd:
"cp bsd /usr/livecd && chown root:wheel /usr/livecd/bsd && \
chmod 644 /usr/livecd/kernel"

Apply this patch to the {i386,amd64} "Makefile.inc":
# NOTE: You MIGHT have to adjust it since the line numbers may have changed over
# time. As you see you HAVE to adjust it for amd64 as well!
--------------------------- patch-livecd.inc -----------------------------------
--- Makefile.inc.orig   Thu Nov 25 23:02:08 2004
+++ Makefile.inc    Thu Jan 19 13:57:49 2006
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
    newfs -m 0 -o space -i 524288 -c 80 ${VND_RDEV}
    mount ${VND_DEV} ${MOUNT_POINT}
    cp ${BOOT} ${.OBJDIR}/boot
-   strip ${.OBJDIR}/boot
-   strip -R .comment ${.OBJDIR}/boot
+   strip -s -R .comment -K cngetc ${.OBJDIR}/boot
    dd if=${.OBJDIR}/boot of=${MOUNT_POINT}/boot bs=512
    dd if=bsd.gz of=${MOUNT_POINT}/bsd bs=512
    /usr/mdec/installboot -v ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot \
@@ -54,8 +53,7 @@
 bsd.gz: bsd.rd
    cp bsd.rd bsd.strip
-   strip bsd.strip
-   strip -R .comment bsd.strip
+   strip -s -R .comment -K cngetc bsd.strip
    gzip -c9 bsd.strip > bsd.gz
 bsd.rd:    ${IMAGE} bsd rdsetroot

Apply by doing:
"cd /usr && patch -p0 < patch-livecd.inc"

We need "crunch" to be installed:
"cd /usr/src/distrib/crunch && make obj depend all install"

Create the boot image used for the CD:
# WARNING: /dev/svnd0c MUSN'T be in use for this step!
"cd /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd && rm -rf obj/* && make"
# We have to delete "obj" directory --------^
# otherwise it will not be updated (BAD!)

Copy the successfully created boot image to livecd directory:
# NOTE: XX is the version like 38
"cp /usr/src/distrib/i386/ramdisk_cd/obj/cdromXX.fs /usr/livecd/"

We have to modify these files in order to be able to boot:
----------------------- /usr/livecd/etc/fstab ----------------------------------
/dev/cd0a   /   cd9660 ro,noatime 0 0
/dev/cd0a / cd9660 ro,noatime 0 0
swap /dev mfs rw,noatime,-s=12000 0 0
swap /tmp mfs rw,noatime,-s=262144 0 0
swap /var mfs rw,noatime,-s=262144 0 0
swap /root mfs rw,noatime,-s=262144 0 0
swap /home mfs rw,noatime,-s=262144 0 0
swap /etc mfs rw,noatime,-s=131072 0 0

# This is optional, but think about if bevore going on
-------------------- /usr/livecd/etc/ttys --------------------------------------
# You might want to have the serial console activated
console "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"     vt220   off secure
# otherwise keep default settings
tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100   on secure local

Finally we can create the CD .iso image:
"cd /usr/livecd"
# NOTE: Again XX stands for the version like 38
"mkisofs -vrTJV 'OBSDLive' -b cdromXX.fs -c boot.catalog -R -o /tmp/livecd.iso 

Burn the image as usuall:
-> cdrecord


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