Well the IP resolves to the same IP as openbsd.org.  Not sure how he's
retaining all the link structure when clicking around, but yeah i didn't
think it was normal, and figured it should be reported in some fashion.

On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 7:46 AM andrew fabbro <and...@fabbro.org> wrote:

> On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 8:13 AM, Wylie Bayes <m...@wyliebayes.com> wrote:
>> Just curious if is a normal thing for folks to be redirecting their domain
>> to Openbsd.org, in turn keeping their domain name in their browsers but
>> ultimately getting Openbsd.org's content?
>> Such as:  http://nathanalexander.uk/ ?
> I don't think that's a redirect.  It looks like the owner of that site
> simply ripped the OpenBSD main page and placed it on his site.
> At least he was thorough - images are served from his site and not via
> hotlink.
> As to normal thing...I'd say not.
> --
> andrew fabbro
> and...@fabbro.org

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