On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 07:47:59AM +0800, harold felton wrote:
> Hello,
> I am unsure whether this has already been addressed.
> the documentation at faq5 and release.8 are slightly
> outdated.  For a non-root user, there should be another
> step besides only adding them to the wsrc-group.

This is one way that you can avoid running cvs as root.

> Typically, this non-root user is already in group-wheel.
> The instructions currently mention that they should be
> in group-wsrc, but they should also be in group-wobj.

This is not needed for 'make build' or 'make release', therefore I chose
not to mention it in the "building from source" section of faq5.

I did mention why that might be a useful thing to do here:
and also on upgrade61.html.

> The relevant command is simply:
> # *user mod -G wobj exampleuser*
> as seen at https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Bld
> which then references release.8 step-2.
> I do not know where/how to check for documentation
> that might be changing under -current.

The faq is updated within about half an hour after a commit is made. For
-current manuals, you can use http://man.openbsd.org

> Sincerely, hfelton
> ps - I have followed the mailing-lists for awhile and
> would reference the following researched items:
> message to source-changes from 20170412 id:
> aca921a291cf2...@openbsd.org

This is when I added https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Miscellanea
mentioned above.

> similar, but unrelated-bug from 20170116 at:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=148459605014161&w=2

This was fixed a week or two after that conversation:

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