Hi all,

we are setting up a test environment, will be back soon with the traces.

Best Regards

------ Wiadomość oryginalna ------
*Temat: *Re: isakmpd dies quietly with over 100 tunnels
*Nadawca: *Alexis VACHETTE <avache...@sisteer.com>
*Adresat: *Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org>, Florian Ermisch <florian.ermi...@mailbox.org>
*Kopia: *<misc@openbsd.org>, Michał Koc <m...@prime.pl>
*Data: *29.05.2017 11:31
I didn't think it was isakmpd related back then.

Maybe a configuration issue on my end or the partner's.

But sure we need to post traces.

Nonetheless OpenBSD is an amazing piece of software, so thank you !

On 29/05/2017 11:14, Theo de Raadt wrote:
Great thing is you all have source code, and can run the same
debuggers live in your key-happy situations, and then generate traces
to expose the problem so that someone can help you.

But, yet, that doesn't happen.  Strange isn't it?




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