On 07/06/17(Wed) 09:43, Björn Ketelaars wrote:
> On Sat 03/06/2017 08:44, Björn Ketelaars wrote:
> > 
> > Reverting back to the previous kernel fixed the issue above. Question: can
> > someone give a hint on how to track this issue?
> After a bit of experimenting I'm able to reproduce the problem. Summary is
> that queueing in pf and use of a current (after May 30), multi processor
> kernel (bsd.mp from snapshots) causes these specific watchdog timeouts
> followed by a system freeze.
> Issue is 'gone' when:
> 1.) using an older kernel (before May 30);
> 2.) removal of queueing statements from pf.conf. Included below the specific
>     snippet;
> 3.) switch from MP kernel to SP kernel.
> New observation is that while queueing, using a MP kernel, the download
> bandwidth is only a fraction of what is expected. Exchanging the MP kernel
> with a SP kernel restores the download bandwidth to expected level.
> I'm guessing that this issue is related to recent work on PF?

It's certainly a problem in, or exposed by, re(4) with the recent MP work
in the network stack.

It would help if you could build a kernel with MP_LOCKDEBUG defined and
see if the resulting kernel enters ddb(4) instead of freezing.


> --- SNIP ---
> # queueing
> #
> queue up on re0 bandwidth 15M max 15M
> queue up_def parent up bandwidth 1M qlimit 10 default
> queue up_dns parent up bandwidth 2M qlimit 20
> queue up_ssh parent up bandwidth 6M qlimit 50
> queue up_web parent up bandwidth 6M qlimit 50
> match on egress set queue up_def
> match out on egress proto {tcp, udp} to port 1:1024 set queue up_web
> match on egress proto tcp to port 22 set queue up_ssh
> match out on egress proto {tcp, udp} to port 53 set queue up_dns
> match on egress proto icmp set queue up_dns
> match out on egress proto tcp to port {119, 563} set queue up_def 
> queue down on re1 bandwidth 150M max 150M
> queue down_def parent down bandwidth 10M qlimit 100 default
> queue down_dns parent down bandwidth 20M qlimit 200
> queue down_ssh parent down bandwidth 60M qlimit 500
> queue down_web parent down bandwidth 60M qlimit 500
> match on re1 set queue down_def
> match in on re1 proto {tcp, udp} to port 1:1024 set queue down_web
> match on re1 proto tcp to port 22 set queue down_ssh
> match in on re1 proto {tcp, udp} to port 53 set queue down_dns
> match on re1 proto icmp set queue down_dns
> match in on re1 proto tcp to port {119, 563} set queue down_def
> --- SNIP ---
> -- 
> Björn Ketelaars
> GPG key: 0x4F0E5F21

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