On 13 Jun 2017, G. wrote:

> Hello!
> Im trying to take daily and weekly backups of my system rsnapshot.
> Im not sure if there is anything in var that i should consider backup
> like sysmerge or syspatch.

I have various stuff across different machines that is worth backing up
in var/ like directories for nsd, unbound, www, etc. It all depends what
you're using your machine for thus what you've put in those.

Storage these days is cheap: my usual approach is to back up everything
except stuff that I have hunted down via "du" and suchlike as being
actually rather large and decided I can certainly live without. Better
to back up a bit too much rather than too little. (Note that things like
logs are rather compressible so even "du" may badly overstate them.)

-- Mark

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