On Jun 16, 2017, at 9:32 PM, Joe Holden <mail+li...@m.jwh.me.uk> wrote:
> It is done by the VM dns servers, if you visit a domain that doesn't
> exist you should be directed to the advanced search page, there *should*
> be a link to disable it there, but if not login to your account and
> disable it, can't remember what it is called...
> Hosts file won't solve the problem really since anything else will also
> get the same result


My understanding of the way that this is done is by returning a CNAME when the 
ISP's DNS recursive DNS server would otherwise return a NXDOMAIN result, 
followed by a  HTTP 302 when the browser attempts to reach the host via the 
bogus CNAME. 

My question is would running my own internal recursive DNS resolver be 
sufficient to stop this from happening? (I run my own DNS server anyway, but 
I'm curious to see whether it would be sufficient to bypass the search page 
redirection stupidity.) 

Thanks for any insights. 


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