Hi Peter,

I'm getting:
# route -T75 default ::1 -blackhole
route: botched keyword: default
usage: route [-dnqtv] [-T tableid] command [[modifiers] args]
commands: add, change, delete, exec, flush, get, monitor, show


# route -T75 add default ::1 -blackhole
route: ::1: bad address

Am I missing something in your message?

(Is this btw a general recommendation or a proposed solution?)

On 04-07-2017 16:11, Peter Hessler wrote:
> Always Always ALWAYS ALWAYS create a default route in each routing domain.
> !/sbin/route -T XXX default ::1 -blackhole
> On 2017 Jul 04 (Tue) at 15:16:24 +0200 (+0200), Claus Lensbøl wrote:
> :Hi misc,
> :
> :I'm having trouble with implementing rdomains and IPv6.
> :
> :I have followed this guide which might be a bit old but the best I could
> :find:
> :https://www.packetmischief.ca/2011/09/20/virtualizing-the-openbsd-routing-table/
> :
> :I have made a set-up with two machines connected by an openBSD router.
> :
> :Machine: "internet"
> :============
> :# cat /etc/hostname.em1
> :inet6 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd/126
> :!route add 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fe
> :
> :Machine: "router"
> :============
> :# cat /etc/hostname.em1
> :inet6 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fe/126
> :!route -T 0 add 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 ::1
> :# cat /etc/hostname.em2
> :rdomain 75
> :!route -T75 exec /usr/sbin/sshd
> :inet6 alias 2a01:7e8:35:fab::1/64
> :# pfctl -sr
> :block return all
> :pass all flags S/SA
> :block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp from any to any port 6000:6010
> :pass in on em2 inet6 from 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 to 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd
> :flags S/SA rtable 0
> :pass out on em1 all flags S/SA
> :
> :Machine: "client"
> :============
> :# sudo ip addr add 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2/64 dev vboxnet0
> :# sudo ip -6 route add 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fc/126 via 2a01:7e8:35:fab::1
> :
> :I am able to ping between router<->internet, router<->client, but not
> :between client<->internet.
> :
> :If pinging from client->internet, no replies are retuned. Doing tcpdump
> :on em1 on the router gives:
> :16:56:42.017347 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2 > 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd: icmp6: echo
> :request [flowlabel 0xe1717]
> :16:56:42.017811 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd > 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2: icmp6: echo reply
> :16:56:42.018114 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fe > 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd: icmp6: time
> :exceeded in-transit for 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2
> :
> :Removing the route (route -T 0 delete 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 ::1) gives no
> :replies and tcpdump gives:
> :16:58:59.565667 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2 > 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd: icmp6: echo
> :request [flowlabel 0xe1717]
> :16:58:59.566298 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd > 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2: icmp6: echo reply
> :16:58:59.569637 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fd > 2a01:7e8:35:fab::2: icmp6: echo reply
> :
> :Adding a route on em1 (rtable 0) as:
> :# route -T 0 add 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 2a01:7e8:1:800::2fe
> :, yields the same results as with no route.
> :
> :I tried removing all routes to 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 on the router, and
> :add to pf:
> :pass in on em1 inet6 to 2a01:7e8:35:fab::/64 rtable 75
> :
> :I'm pretty sure that I'm missing some understanding of rtables.
> :Can someone point me in the right direction?
> :I'm guessing that I need a way to move packets from rtable 0 to rtable 75.
> :
> :Btw, this set-up is made with virtualbox, but I have an identical
> :physical set-up with the same issue.
> :
> :-- 
> :Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
> :Claus Lensbøl
> :
> :Fab:IT ApS
> :Vesterbrogade 37, 2. th
> :DK-1620 København
> :Tlf: +45 70 202 407
> :Main Site: www.fab-it.dk
> :VPS Product: vpsforce.eu
> :
> :

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Claus Lensbøl

Fab:IT ApS
Vesterbrogade 37, 2. th
DK-1620 København
Tlf: +45 70 202 407
Main Site: www.fab-it.dk
VPS Product: vpsforce.eu

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