On 11/07/2017 20:39, Niels Kobschätzki wrote:
> Hi,
> I am pondering to install OpenBSD on my main machine. But I just found a
> possible showstopper: family remote support
> Right now I am using Teamviewer to connect from my Linux-machine to the
> family-Mac. Now I am searching a similar easy way to do that from
> a possible OpenBSD-machine. Is there any software that could do that?
> Asking them for their IP or iCloud-hostname would already be too
> complicated. What are you using in such cases?
> Is a QEMU-VM performant enough for such a thing (I have a Thinkpad T460
> with a Skylake-i5) 

The best option to me was a reverse SSH. A script connect them
automatically to my server @home, opening a specific port so I can
connect to their computers.

It works, it's simple, they don't have to do anything, they even can go
anywhere I'll still be able to help them. You don't have to worry about
NAT and dynamic IP addresses anymore. :-)

Philippe Pittoli
Doctorant en réseaux informatiques, ICube Strasbourg
Fondateur d'Alsace Réseau Neutre

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