On 2017-07-27 11:30, G wrote:

Some questions about vmm
Does vmm (on openbsd current) support running xorg?

I'll restate this question, because the X11 Windows System uses a client/server model,
and X.Org software includes both clients and servers.

   * X11 Clients are the graphical applications.
   * X11 Servers are the X display devices.

So, "What part of the X11 Windows System is available for vmm(4) guests" is a better question,
and one that I can answer.

X client applications works fine from within a vmm(4) guest, as they do from any server that does not have a graphics display. The typical communication path between the application and a workstation display (the X Server) is with ssh(1) X11 Forwarding. See sshd_config(5),
ssh_config(5), and ssh(1) man pages for details.

If a user wanted to operate a window manager for the vmm() guest and its various X clients,
Xephyr(1) or Xnest(1) are both available.

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