
On devices with the appropriate ACPI tables (and hw), battery
information is reported during boot:
which shows up like this on my toughbook:

Aug 11 21:22:48 ndnd /bsd: acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT1 model "CF-VZSU71"
serial 00775 type LION oem "Panasonic"

When acpibat_getbix
is called (initially in acpibat_attach and periodically in
acpibat_notify), the main acpibat_softc struct is re-populated with
this information but it's not available in either a log message, APM
event, or in a sysctl node.

I realize that not all hardware propagates this info accurately
and that not every machine has a user removable battery but in the event
that it does, what's the best way to report/query this information?

I don't mind submitting a patch, I just want to get folks
guidance/preference on the approach.


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