It would be nice if sftp/scp/ssh could be chrooted. But I'm sure you can always mess with the rights for each user though.

As for "warns of k1dd13s", why care? If you open a port, someone will find you. If you're concerned about the kiddies using up your bandwidth, have pf running on the same box as the ftp/scp/ssh/sftp server on the outside ip address. The ftp/ssh daemon might not be able to handle the traffice but pf can and there are features in pf to handle denial of service and keep logs. In a setup like this, I'll have pf keep state on only the incoming traffic on the open port. And like I said, I ran an OpenBSD ftp server with nothing else running and never had an issue, especially with script kiddies. Have a little faith.

Anther option is to use openvpn on your ftp server and use openvpn's tls-auth feature, but then your setup becomes more involved. And for what, to stop script kiddies? Don't do a lot of work for little gain.

Joachim Schipper wrote:
I know, I know. The point is not that it is impossible to put this on an
expendable system, the point is that the data itself is somewhat

Otherwise, plain FTP combined with a script that warns if the k1dd13s
have found you (bandwith utilization ~ 100%, all the time) would be
pretty good.


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