Hi group,

Recently i come up with this problem: running isc_named + dhclient cause 
isc_named to periodically loose binding to TCP port:

Sep  7 13:45:02 ns dhclient[12533]: DHCPREQUEST on vio0 to
Sep  7 13:45:02 ns dhclient[12533]: DHCPACK from 
Sep  7 13:45:02 ns named[76593]: no longer listening on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#53
Sep  7 13:45:02 ns named[76593]: listening on IPv4 interface vio0, 
Sep  7 13:45:02 ns named[76593]: binding TCP socket: address in use
Sep  7 13:45:02 ns dhclient[12533]: bound to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -- renewal in 
40027 seconds.

XXX is redacted public IP.

This is OpenBSD 6.1 
In bind i have already configured interface-interval 0; - but this do not fix 
problem, any idea ? This problem looks like isolated to OpenBSD.


Zbyszek Żółkiewski

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