On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 02:18:30AM +0000, Jules Gilbert wrote:

> Can someone at OpenBSD help??
> I recently switched over from FreeBSD to OpenBSD, I needed the bump up in 
> security.
> Anyway, the dlfunc routine seems not to work in OpenBSD.  You know, this is 
> part of the dynamic library stuff.

dlfunc() is FreeBSD specific and not part of the standard, but on the
internet you'll find implementation of dlfunc() in terms of dlsym().

> And very recently I moved to the clang system, again something that was 
> forced on me.  What I'd like is to finish my project...
> Now...  I create C code, typically many thousands of lines of C,  then I have 
> to compile these routines and run them.  When I only have several, no 
> problem, I just edit the program to include them, done.  But the program 
> makes use of machine genetics, and the first cut is typically just that.  The 
> program makes a best-guess change and tackles the problem again.  Testing 
> involves running against a substantial test suite, so I don't have problems 
> with over-training and such.
> On the other hand I have the very real and very bad problem that I can 
> 'tchange this program, I can run what I built under FreeBSD, and I'm 
> wondering if I have to keep one box running under that OS because there my 
> stuff runs just fine.
> So... if you know how I can:
> a) make dlfunc work under OpenBSD, that would be good, that would solve my 
> problem and maybe let me finish up.  Or,
> b)  load and run C routines under clang, that would be another solution, 
> though I am more familar with GCC,

Too vague a question to answer.


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