> Firefox has W^X compliance and so runs with the secure defaults.

it uses page aliasing, which is a shitty way of being compliant

> The latest Firefox (Not ESR as mtier provides) has recently had
> sandboxing for Windows and Linux added and legacy extensions will be
> phased out.
> It is therefore likely possible to add pledge patches without depending
> on upstream and so Firefox could become the clear winner.

you really shouldn't be promising that to anyone.  it might not happen,
their design might not allow it.

pledge in giant programs is very rare.  chrome got LUCKY, and there is
no evidence that firefox will also.

> Otherwise you have to decide for yourself. I'm not sure any browsers
> code quality is Good or which is better, which would be an important
> factor.
> Neither are particularly good at privacy but Firefox does allow
> clearing data on exit and has better extensions.


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