> On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 04:11:45PM +0200, Kamil Cholewiński wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Sep 2017, Francois Pussault <fpussa...@contactoffice.fr> wrote:
>> > maybe installing a tool like xrandr ?
>> Xrandr works only for X. I've skimmed wscons(4), wsdisplay(4),
>> wsconscfg(8), wsconsctl(8), nothing about rotation...
> In -current, the console is rotated counter-clockwise if the display
> isn't already upright:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=150266331224832&w=2
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=150300131911666&w=2
> This behaviour is hard-coded and cannot be configured. It helps machines which
> need counter-clockwise rotation, but is not ideal because some machines need
> clockwise rotation instead. There are plans to auto-detect and use the correct
> rotation required in the future.

How could the display know that it's rotated, from that the width < the height, 
in a world of landscape-only displays?

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