
Following up on the previous thread on rotating the screen, I tried to rotate 
the screen in X.

The first thing i must mention is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf , which was needed as X 
not worked out of the box on this Atom AMD64 machine:

Section "Device"
    Identifier "Card0"
    Driver "wsfb"

With this, startx works, however the display i rotated 90 degrees 
counterclockwise to the keyboard. I now did the following out of xterm:

"xrandr" tells me I have an output by the name "default".

So i tried "xrandr --output default --rotation left", which told me:

"xrandr: output default cannot use rotation "left" reflection "none""

So I tried throwing in "--reflection x", and it gives me the same error message 
except it prints out the reflection as "X axis".

I also tried "--orientation left" and it does not fail but also has no effect.

And I also tried to add the same as above into xorg.conf via an "Option 
"Rotate" "right"" setting however it had no effect, maybe I did not understand 
how to properly apply the setting though.

Any ideas how I get screen rotation in X going?


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