On 10/16/17 18:38, Limaunion wrote:
> On 10/16/2017 06:55 PM, Limaunion wrote:
>> Hi! Last friday I upgraded my ALIX system from 6.0 to 6.2 using the PXE 
>> boot method. In previous years I used an internal FTP server to perform 
>> the upgrade, but for some reason this is not supported any more since a 
>> couple of releases. I mounted and published the ISO image using a 
>> raspberrypi and NGINX (HTTP method). During the install process I hit 
>> the following error 'unable to get a verified list of distribution 
>> sets'(*). I couldn't find much help from google but after some time I 
>> figured out that the install was looking for a file named index.txt, 
>> that is not included in the ISO.
>> Maybe some of this information can be included to the install guide for 
>> those of us doing a local HTTP upgrade, and also it would be great to 
>> have the index.txt file included in the ISO.
>> For the record, the kernel relinking (Relinking to create unique 
>> kernel...) took about 14 minutes in my ALIX board and it takes about 2.5 
>> minutes the library reordering during the boot process.
>> Just my .02 cents.
>> J.
>> (*): server: localhost, request: "GET /OpenBSD/i386/index.txt HTTP/1.0"
> I know about this, but its not crystal clear (at least for me):
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html
>   Note: If you intend to provide the sets over HTTP(s), place siteXX.tgz 
> in your source directory and include it in your index.txt. It will then 
> be an option at install time.
> Best regards.

There are a few ways of doing things right.
There is a near infinite number of doing things, if not wrong, at least

Mounting an ISO file as a file system and using that as the source of
your files for a web install qualifies as "at least, oddly", defeating
the purpose of both an ISO and a web install.  In fact, you may well be
over the "wrong" line on that.  I don't think you will see any special
documentation or file changes supporting that way of doing things.


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