
it started as a bug report: it have a 5-button mouse with a wheel, even
though I don't use much the buttons 4 and 5 (I think only for previous
and next in firefox history). I recently switched to OpenBSD, and I was
surprised to find these buttons cause scrolling, like the wheel. If this
behavior is intended, the rest of this e-mail is moot.

Assuming this is indeed a bug, I went looking for a cause that I could
fix, and found a philosophical or engineering question instead (hence my
posting to misc@ instead of bugs@).

As far as I can tell, on my setup (which I assume is common), the input
is handled by wscons(4) and send to X through xf86-input-ws. I think the
root cause of my problem lies in a conceptual mismatch, so I will try to
use a maybe-overly precise vocabulary.

The physical fidget-toy on my desk which I call "mouse" has clicky parts
which I could describe as "physical buttons", and a spinning part which
could be called a "physical wheel".

I have no idea how this works, but wscons(4) reacts to physical buttons
physical buttons are numbered from 1 to 5, while the physical wheel
triggers WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DELTA_Z with an amount of -1 or +1. So a
wscons(4) button maps exactly to a physical button, and wscons(4) Z
axis maps to the physical wheel.

On the other side, as far as I can tell X can't handle the concept of
wheel, so the wheel gets inserted as two buttons, as described by
ZAxisMapping option. So by default, turning the wheel up is translated
as pressing the X button 4, and turning the wheel down is pressing the X
button 5.

However, from my reading of the function wsSendButtons() in
the wscons(4) buttons are sent untranslated to X, so wscons(4) button 4
and 5, which are physical buttons, cannot be distinguished by X from
turning the wheel.

Meanwhile, with default configuration on Linux and FreeBSD, the physical
buttons 4 and above are mysteriously translated into X buttons 8 and
above, which allows Firefox to map the extra buttons to previous and
next in history while the wheel is still mapped to vertical scrolling.

So at this point, one could add a simple
if (button >= 4) button += 4;
in wsSendButtons() before the call to xf86PostButotnEvent(), and OpenBSD
default behavior would match Linux and FreeBSD default behavior.

But is this the right thing to do?

Or are the 4 hardcoded there a little bit too magic?

Maybe we want something more sound, by considering that the virtual
button numbers are provided by ZAxisMapping and WAxisMapping, and
populating the wscons(4) buttons in the remaining available numbers?

Or maybe we/wscons(4) are more right than everybody else, and we want to
keep the button numbers between wscons(4) and X, letting the user update
ZAxisMapping (and WAxisMapping if they have a really fancy mouse), to
available numbers, and maybe reconfiguring all their application for the
new numbers. Or maybe leveraging ButtonMapping to return to the standard
default numbers. Or whatever floats the user's boat without their
pestering the upstream with overly long e-mails in misc@.

Not sure how to conclude from there, this button issue has no impact on
me outside of my firefox usage, but it keeps declining, w3m makes the
web so much more readable and faster, and surf is enough for most
javascript-requiring websites still worth my attention, so I let the
issue go and wouldn't have posted this if it wasn't commissioned. So the
above is really a brain dump of my research for people who care about
the issue more than I do (though some of you might not care directly
about the issue but care about the new user experiencing out-of-the-box


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