On Sat, Nov 04, 2017 at 06:54:56AM +0100, somebody wrote:
> Hold on a sec, that's not my nick. I'm provisionally using my bf's
> account (with permission!). Just saying since this will end up in the
> archives and it shouldn't be ascribed to him.

Not my problem.  You're on a technical list, sending insults and
you can't even configure it properly.

> You'll find my real nick at the bottom of my messages :)
Don't care.

> > This is not spam. It is an on-topic posting.

> Yes, the poster has enlightened me by private e-mail now. There's an
> OpenBSD 'track', apparently, woohoo!
Like duh, that's common knowledge for every european dev who hasn't
been living under a rock for the past years (and probably in the
rest of the world as well).

> You really can't expect me to not consider a long, iterative, message, 
> laden with buzzwords and sloppy English, advertising something, with
> *no* mention of anything distinctly on-topic whatsoever, spam.

Apart from the fact   that most of that stuff was actually on-topic,
and perfectly easy to understand when you're actually interested in
that stuff...

Like, you know, not reinventing our own private wheel in a corner,
when other distributions are actually making the same kind of effort.

Or getting some common ground in buildbots and testing infrastructure.

You know, like some porters in OpenBSD have been doing, getting OpenBSD
from a poorly supported architecture to something that's actually tested
regularly on buildbots for some major projects.

How is this not relevant for you  ?   Don't you use any major
cross-platform software, like firefox, or gnome, or kde...

> I suppose I should explain here that I'm not very much fonder of the
> 'free software' world than I'm of the 'proprietary crap' one. Not that 
> I don't find the former approach infinitely superior, it's just that,
> from me POV, there's an increasing failure to live up to the ideals.

Well, duh, and trying to up the standards by not doing the same thing
twice    is of no interest to you.

> Honestly, if it's not spam, the announcement should really be better
> worded, especially since the whole point of a conference is
> communication. The announcement doesn't really reflect that.

The announcement was actually targetted.  The people on misc@ that
have an interest in this kind of thing   actually do know what the
announcement was about.

And, hey, this is misc@. This announcement was actually much more
informative and useful than the usual email on that list.

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