>> If there are security related patches or things needed to be fixed,
>> that the package works as it should, you can simple run pkg_add -iu
> You can do this *if* you have a source of updated packages, e.g. via
> mtier's openup, or packages that you've built yourself.

Thanks for clarification, my fault. I thought, I readed somewhere in
the past, that there is also a new version of the related packages.

>>> databases/mariadb,-main        # 10.0.32v1 -> 10.0.33v1
>>> databases/mariadb,-server      # 10.0.32v1 -> 10.0.33v1
>>> ...
>> The question is, do you need the things which are provided from this
>> new versions - for security see above.
> Those are security updates. -stable doesn't get "normal" version
> updates.

In this case yes. The OP wrote in the first post "Now: The thought is
that the third-party packages being used by the server should be kept
up to date.". I interpreted it like, if there is a new version, if it
is not security relevant and, if I don't need the functions which are
provided in this update - why update the package. Then the question
should be something like, latest stable packages or, latest
experimental packages of third-party packages.

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