On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 07:28:19PM +0000, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I need to configure ifstated for two public interfaces and one of them is a 
> dhcp interface. To accomplish this I have configured the following macro in 
> ifcstated.conf's file:
> wired_gate_test = '( "ping -q -c1 -w1 -I `awk '/fixed-address/ { print $2 }' 
> /var/db/dhclient.leases.em1 | sed -e 's/;//'` `awk '/routers/ { print $3 }' 
> /var/db/dhclient.leases.em1 | sed -e 's/;//'` > /dev/null" every 30 )'
>  But it returns the following error:
> wired_linkup = "em1.link.up"
> wireless_linkup = "em2.link.up"
> /etc/ifstated.conf:4: syntax error
> /etc/ifstated.conf:4: macro '2' not defined
> /etc/ifstated.conf:34: macro 'wired_gate_test' not defined
> /etc/ifstated.conf:34: syntax error
> ifstated: invalid start state wired
>  From command line, ping command works ... What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks.
Oops .. I have the problem ... I need to escape awk like awk \'/fixed... Sorry 
for the noise ...

C. L. Martinez

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