While a little off topic it is security related so I hope you don't mind.

This is the misc list, right?

Assumption 1.
bitcoin is a secure protocol without flaws.

quote from 

With these keys they can sign transactions to unlock the value and
spend it by transferring it to a new owner. Keys are often stored in a
digital wallet on each user’s computer or smartphone. Possession of
the key that can sign a transaction is the only prerequisite to
spending bitcoin, putting the control entirely in the hands of each

Is the security of a bitcoin wallet ultimately determined by it's password?
The way I see it If an attacker had access to my computer, the only
thing protecting access to the wallet would be a password or some
iteration of a password scheme, if not mine than a centralized server
of trust somewhere, but eventually someone has a password that is used
to, unlock a bitcoin. Is that correct reasoning or are there


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