On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 01:13:55PM +0000, Roderick wrote:
> Dear Sirs!
> How it is supposed that I get the DNS servers from a PPP connection?
> Should I guess the servers and put them manually in resolv.conf?
> Something like dhclient ppp0 does not work.
> I think this is an old thema:
> http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/pppd-usepeerdns-td261633.html
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=111946828027916&w=2
> Is there a solution that I do not know?
> Otherwise I wonder that others do not miss such a feature:
> UMTS providers do not give much information and one must
> lietraly quess it with help google.
> Rodrigo.

Indeed, it seems pppd doesn't support getting DNS resolvers in client mode.
I've run into the same issue years ago. Nowadays I always use a VPN
across such links and just get DNS from the other end of my tunnel.

You could try running unbound(8) and make resolv.conf point to
That should give you working DNS in any case.

For WAN devices supported by umsm(4), the situation is a bit better.
The umsm(4) driver shows DNS resolver IPs in ifconfig output so scripts
can grab them from there.

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