
...on Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 12:10:22PM +0200, Kiraly Zoltan wrote:

 > I use Squid to filter web content like ad and pop-up (adzaper), I don't
 > use Squid for cache.
 > The problem is, when i use Squid  many webpage open slow, for example
 > sometimes i wait much in Firefox at "Waiting for www.pagexy.com..."
 > message. Without Squid all page open faster.

I assume that with your contentfilter setup squid won't 
pass data until it's been fully loaded - otherwise the 
content filter can't be shure to block the transmission 
if it detects anything harmful. So you will see a considerable 
delay more or less by design.

Not using caching is also counterproductive, as you'll 
have the system scanning everything all over again.

 > I hear Squid don't really like named, is true? or anyone use Squid with
 > named and don't have problems, any idea?

That sounds like a bit of crap to me, in what way should 
squid not "like" named? Ok, both can be memory hogs, 
depending on their configuration, so if you're low on memory 
you wouldn't want to have both on the same box, but that's 
about it...

I doubt DNS is your problem, but your setup is probably 
suboptimal. Squid does it's own DNS caching, so letting 
it access a server that is forward-only itself (basically 
another cache level) at least won't do much good.


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