
The GPD Pocket has Intel HD 405 graphics, which is not supported ( 
http://man.openbsd.org/intel.4 ).

Furthermore, the laptop display is rotated 90 degrees by default, so the text 
console looks messed up: a small blob of text in the middle of the display, 
that is rotated 90 degrees.

However, X works fine when run with the "wsfb" (UEFI framebuffer) driver, with 
this /etc/X11/xorg.conf , and obviously with "xterm -fa fixed -fs 19":

    Section "Device"
         Identifier "Card0"
         Driver "wsfb"
         Option "Rotate" CW"

I guess this is fair enough, and the only relevant thing to add here would be 
larger font and screen rotation in the text console.

Now that I mention there anyhow though, I'd also like to ask if there are any 
plans to support the Intel HD 405 at some point?

Thanks and hope the xorg.conf helps someone.


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