Hello Ulf !

Thanks for your answer.

> I assume that your touchpad is actually running with ws, and that no
> xorg ".conf" file - in /etc or in /usr/X11R6/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ -
> overrides the default ;-)  If that is the case, then
"works-as-before" is a good result,

Yes, I can confirm, that it is ws. Because I had synclient settings
including tabbing in my .xsession file which had no effect after
upgrading to the last snapshot. No, there is no xorg.conf (see search
results below from my original email).

I experienced no differences compared to the synaptics driver from

> I had no intention to break user expectations.

I know.

> Maybe you want give it a try on your MacBook, which has MT support ;-)

Yes, I wait for a new battery (I hope only the battery is died).
Just give me some days.

> I'm not sure what your comparison is based on.  I remember that some
> reviewers were unhappy with the touchpads of the w540 series,
> especially
> because of the button handling.  Or do you refer to the fact that
> there
> is no support for "smooth" scrolling? (The classical scroll-method is
> event-based, that is, wheel movements on a mouse - or scroll gestures
> on a touchpad - are translated into a series of button events, which
> is
> coarse compared to coordinate-based scrolling.)

It is not really a comparison, the experience is like, if I zoom in or
out the zoom steps are bigger. Like if you zoom - lets say in 10%
steps instead of something like 1 or 2% steps. Yes, I readed that
about the touchpad experiences but after I bought it already ;-)

I will try it with the MacBook as soon as possible and then report a
comparison about that.

Is the new ws driver also in the macppc port included ? I have no idea
which hardware is in it but maybe I have the chance to try it out on a
G4 PowerBook.



>> thinkpad-w541# find / -name 'xorg.conf*'
>> /usr/X11R6/man/man5/xorg.conf.5
>> /usr/X11R6/man/man5/xorg.conf.d.5
>> /usr/X11R6/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
>> /usr/xenocara/xserver/hw/xfree86/man/xorg.conf.d.man
>> /usr/xenocara/xserver/hw/xfree86/man/xorg.conf.man

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