On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 08:52:28PM +0100, Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote:
> First trouble I've had with jumping snapshot to snapshot in years, this:
> upgrading from the previous amd64 snapshot (yesterday or possibly the day 
> before,
> not easy to tell at the moment), on reboot I get (transcribed from my laptop's
> console): 
> reordering libraries: done.
> ld.so: ssh-keygen: can't load library 'libutil.so.13.0'
> Killed
> starting early daemons: syslogd pflogd ntpd(failed)
> starting RPC daemons:.
> savecore: no core dump
> acpidump: aml_dump: Is a directory
> checking quotas: done.
> clearing /tmp
> kern.securelevel: 0 -> 1
> creating runtime link editor directory cache.
> preserving editor files.
> starting network daemons: sshd(failed) smtpd(failed) vmd(failed) sndiod.
> starting local daemons apmd crond xenodm(failed).
> Thu Dec 14 20:23:43 CET 2017
> reorder_kernel: kernel relinking failed; see 
> /usr/share/relink/kernel/GENERIC.MP/relink.log
> and it proceeds no further, I never get a login prompt.
> after poweroff and boot -s fsck, mount and shell builtins work, but not 
> much else, even cat dies (coredumps) with the same message about 
> libutil.so.13.0.
> is there some way I can collect useful data about this, or should I just
> wait for a new snapshot to appear (in case this has bit others and is 
> being addressed already)?

It's already been fixed. New libutil wasn't packaged until this commit:

You could try to build + install just libutil from source,
or wait for the next snapshot.

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