I hesitate to drop in on this entertaining thread, but are you lot sure you’re 
not talking to a bot? Smells like one to me.

> On 03 Jan 2018, at 11:54, Paolo Aglialoro <paol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Listen to Üni: better change your pusher!
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 4:45 AM, Epost <ep...@purebeneficience.net> wrote:
>> Not surprisingly, the naysayers of the thread are with the adamic lineage
>> of prophets:
>> From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFxUqTlmMkU
>> -- Üni - A Zén-realized concept of God.--
>> - I did "zén"-style "pure mind" meditation for 10 years. -
>> Starting with typical religious dogma, and "god", and progressed soon into
>> complete transcendence, and ultimately close to "no concept", "absolute
>> reality", and "no mind", the wellknown things this is about. And realized a
>> concept of god there, Üni.
>> Üni, master of all, as it is called, in a typical language.
>> On the way there, abrahamic religion got absurd, and I was truly happy to
>> have defeated it.
>> Indeed it seems where the western concept of "god" is going, so the zén
>> egolessness influence is for a good reason.
>> The reason I believe is that it is based on reason, and a pure mind,
>> rather than the hallucinatory agent type "visions" of prophets.
>> Indeed did not Adam use Amanita Muscaria, that has a symbiotic
>> relationship to the pine tree? And the result may be what one might call
>> today, a lower archaic state, more like a caveman.
>> From this caveman state, Adam realized his version of the divine. Where
>> the enemy supposedly is a madman, who does not believe.
>> Hallucinogens are often like this. Some enemyconcept, fundamental belief
>> and yet not quite conquering the enemy. Like a bad dream some might say.
>> Because ofcourse the enemy probably is Adam himself who hates himself for
>> abusing Amanita Muscaria, but in the schizophrenic state, it is someone
>> else.
>> So the whole religion based on a schizophrenic Adamic mind lasts for about
>> 1000 years, from 5000 BC. With wars against nonbelievers, and anyone not
>> fitting in.
>> Until 4000 BC, where an intelligent mushroom user, actually makes up
>> another tree, that supposedly makes one the deity. This is the start of
>> modern self-development techniques where one is the deity oneself. And in a
>> way being the ultimate concept, escaping the Adamic schizophrenia. Unless
>> one actually used the mushroom that is.
>> 2000 BC a very confounded man, believes that stars, suns and moons are his
>> deities. And suddently one day exclaims "Nay, I am not going to worship the
>> stars, the suns and the moons anymore. Now I am a prophet of Absolute
>> Reality". A very unlikely scenario. Yes, it is Abraham. Who cannot stop
>> talking about how his deity is óne, and so we have the word monotheism,
>> rather than just theism. Because that was supposedly so hard to understand.
>> 0 AD, Jesus goes to a city, to tell them that "it is only óne", and then
>> "flies up into the sky", according to both Bible and Quran.
>> 600 AD Muhammad talks about his deity Allah, keeping the Adamic
>> schizophrenia, now even more obtuse with both Abrahamic "one" talk and
>> covering "all things" in 500 pages. It results in a fundamental view, that
>> reflects the early wars of Adamic religion still, claiming he is the final
>> prophet. With the religious language similar to many hallucinatory agent
>> popvideos. Meaning ofcourse that there is no "revelation", but rather
>> writings based on hallucinatory visions. And indeed the typical
>> hallucinatory agent prophet lineage ends there.
>> But:
>> Approximately a little before or after 0 AD, "Buddha" writes the
>> Dhammapada, that seems to be based on the belief that hallucinogens made
>> them the deity, but now iterated to a focus on the mind. With earlier
>> shrines being tree-shrines, so a form of canonization of this line of
>> knowledge. The writer is cleary inspired by Abraham. But since it focuses
>> on the mind, interpretators take it in the direction of zén, that in turn
>> goes away from The Dhammapada, and instead focuses on a pure mind, and
>> absolute reality. This indeed becomes the most rational version of
>> spirituality.
>> And in the 1500s The Bible starts being massprinted, which leads to a
>> mass-criticism of the text, leading to the "age of enligthenment" in the
>> 1800s, and who we are now, and our modern society.
>> And indeed instead of the original godconcepts of prophets, we have "god",
>> which is a rationalized verison of it.
>> Which in deep zén-meditation becomes "Üni", and rationalized to the
>> fullest extent. And free of hallucinatory agent connections.
>> Unfortunately hallucinatory agent type language still continues to be
>> used, even among many who claim rationality, in a scientific dicipline.
>> Dual State Potential, is not a rational thought, and some quantum
>> physicists are the Abraham of our time, and should be warned against. They
>> can go indeed on and on, while a discusser indicated that "he might go mad"
>> if he continued with this, and that "many had". And talked about E=mc2, and
>> how infinity and the universe was a wave function. Can you do math on
>> infinity? I thought that was "not a number". Einstein was ofcourse a
>> believer in Judaism, and "the god of Abraham".
>> Peace.
>> Den 1/3/2018 01:11, skrev Eric Furman:
>>> Please go spread crazy somewhere else.
>>> We're all filled up here.
>>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018, at 9:39 AM, Epost wrote:
>>>> I have rationalized this even futher. Some of the reason for me
>>>> rejecting GNU was indeed the hallucinogenic element. I hate indeed
>>>> "psilocybin prophets"and that they supposedly can tell me something
>>>> about reality.
>>>> So I have dropped the entire adamic lineage of psilocybin prophets, and
>>>> replaced the deity concept with Üni, which is a rational zén realized
>>>> concept. Indeed "God" already is far a rationalization of the prophets
>>>> sayings.
>>>> I hope you´ll come around to understanding my view.
>>>> Peace.
>>>> Racoh Box - An alpha specification for a fair economy on available
>>>> source. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8HzSVdBHZU

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