
Peter N. M. Hansteen wrote on Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 01:12:40PM +0100:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 12:47:39PM +0100, Marcus MERIGHI wrote:

>> Just happened to recall kd85.com. 
>> http://lemote.kd85.com/
>> But honestly I just got confused by this website. 

> The landing page there has a "2013 update" part, which makes me thing
> that it's probably wise to check beforehand by email or somesuch just
> how current the information is. 

The owner of that site, Wim Vandeputte, tried to steal many thousands
of Euros of donation money from OpenBSD about ten years ago.  When
i questioned him in 2009 about a donation i had made via him in
2007, he initially claimed to have forwarded that money to Theo de
Raadt, but when asked for proof of payment, he didn't produce any
but instead chose to send the same 2000 Euro back to me, plus 120
Euro interest for 18 months.  At least one other person also got a
donation of 6500 Euro refunded in the same way.  At some point aound
or after 2009, Wim lost interest in OpenBSD and i never heard from
him again.

Even though i always received all merchandise i ordered from him
before 2009, in the light of the above facts, i would still recommend
against doing business with him.


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