On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 09:20:57PM -0800, cardena...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Only OpenBSD involved here. The physical machine's dmesg is attached.
> > My /etc/vm.conf configuration file is also attached.
> > 
> > I don't think it is related to memory exhaustion since it sometimes
> > happens when the machine is not loaded (cpu and memory).
> > 
> > > I would add:
> > > * What was your "vmctl start ..." command?
> >  
> > Here, I did use : vmd -dvvvv
> > 
> > Will try by recompiling with VMM_DEBUG.
> > 
> > Thanks a lot,
> > Best
> > Olivier
> Ok...see comments inline
> > OpenBSD 6.2-current (GENERIC.MP) #2: Thu Dec  7 10:13:35 CET 2017
> >     o...@stanislas.symacx.com:/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> This looks like a custom kernel, can you run the latest snapshot, as-is?
The only change I made is related to /sys/dev/ic/pckbc.c in order to
have a working trackpad.

> > vm "openbsd.vm" {
> >     disable
> >     boot $sets "bsd.rd"
> > 
> >     # First disk from 'vmctl create "/home/vm/OpenBSD.img" -s 4G'
> >     disk "/home/vm/OpenBSD.img"
> > 
> >     # Second disk from OpenBSD contains the install sets
> >     disk $sets "install60.fs"
> > 
> >     # Interface will show up as tap(4) on the host and as vio(4) in the VM
> >     interface { switch "uplink" }
> >     interface { switch "local" }
> > }
> Might want to either comment out the interface for "uplink" or remove it
> altogether.
OK, commented out.

> > vm "puffy1" {
> >     owner oc
> >     disable
> >     memory 512M
> >     boot $sets "bsd"
> >     disk $sets "puffy1.img"
> > 
> >     # Use a specific tap(4) interface with a hardcoded MAC address
> >     # local interface tap
> >     interface {
> >             switch "local"
> >             lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:55
> >     }
> > }
> > vm "puffy2" {
> >     owner oc
> >     disable
> >     memory 1024M
> >     # boot $sets "current/bsd.rd"
> >     disk $sets "puffy2.img"
> >     disk $sets "puffy2_data0.img"
> > 
> >     # Use a specific tap(4) interface with a hardcoded MAC address
> >     # local interface tap
> >     interface {
> >             switch "local"
> >             lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:56
> >     }
> > }
> > vm "am-azure" {
> >     owner oc
> >     memory 1024M
> >     # boot $sets "current/bsd.rd"
> >     disk $sets "am-azure.img"
> >     disk $sets "am-azure_data0.img"
> > 
> >     # Use a specific tap(4) interface with a hardcoded MAC address
> >     # local interface tap
> >     interface {
> >             switch "local"
> >             lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:57
> >     }
> > }
> Ok...it's unclear which version the guest(s) are running.  Can you
> have the guest run the latest snapshot (same as the host) so we can
> narrow the variables?
Guests are running various versions of current. I have this problem with
the latest snapshot as well:
$ sysctl kern.version                                   
kern.version=OpenBSD 6.2-current (GENERIC) #359: Mon Jan 15 22:32:02 MST 2018

It happens if I run only puffy1, puffy1 and puffy2 or only am-azure.

> Also, which vm was giving issue?

All of them.
I am upgrading the physical machine with VMM_DEBUG.

BTW, congratulations for the hardware support (ACPI, ...). This laptop
goes to suspend multiple times a day and everything still works after
more than a month:
10:23:43 oc@stanislas $ uptime 
10:23AM  up 41 days, 9 mins, 16 users, load averages: 1.01, 1.23, 0.97
10:23:44 oc@stanislas $ 


Olivier Cherrier
Phone: +352691754777

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