On February 6, 2018 7:57:36 PM GMT+01:00, Mohammad BadieZadegan 
<mbzade...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I have not X and I want to resolve my problem with command prompt only.
>Isn't possible?

There's plenty of ways to achieve that. But unless you manage to explain why 
you think that would be a good thing, few people will help you, if even then. 

Here's one:

> boot -s


>On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:06 PM, Michael Hekeler <mich...@hekeler.com>
>> > A better approach is to to autologin an user in X and
>> > use doas(1)
>> > I think xenodm(1) has an "autologin" option...
>> >
>> >
>> But why would one do that? What problem do you like to solve?

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