> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2018 at 1:41 PM
> From: "Stuart Henderson" <s...@spacehopper.org>
> To: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: Re: vmd - Unable to reboot Alpine guest
> On 2018-02-19, Martijn van Duren <openbsd+m...@list.imperialat.at> wrote:
> > Hello Aham,
> >
> > On 02/18/18 21:09, Aham Brahmasmi wrote:
> >> Hi Carlos,
> >> 
> >> Thank you for your response.
> >> 
> >> I have been learning and understanding OpenBSD for around one month now.
> >> As such, I had installed -release, and used syspatch to reach -stable.
> >> 
> >> I have spent some time right now trying to understand the mechanism to
> >> reach -current from -stable.
> >> 
> >>  From what I understand, I first need to upgrade to the latest snapshot.
> >>  From there, I need to use source build instructions at
> >> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Bld to reach -current.
> >
> > There's no need to build from source, just upgrading via the latest
> > snapshot suffices.
> >> 
> >> I would like to do the above because I am also interested in the spamd
> >> and IPv6 diff that phessler@ has. But right now, I am quite a bit
> >> inexperienced, so you would have to be patient with me.
> >> 
> >>  From what I understand, to install snapshot I need to download
> >> https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/bsd.rd, boot that
> >> at the boot prompt and then (U)pgrade from there.
> >> 
> > That is correct.
> > If you don't intent to work on the source, there's no need to build it
> > yourself.
> Unless wanting to test a diff. However for that you typically don't need
> to rebuild the whole system.

Thank you Dave, Mike, Martijn and Stuart for your helpful responses.

Based on what I have understood from this thread, upgrading to snapshot
should suffice to run -current, unless one intends to do development on
the source. For diffs, one does not need to rebuild the whole system.

@Carlos et al, I will now try to upgrade to snapshot from the URL - 
https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/amd64/bsd.rd and report
back. Considering it has worked for Dave, I hope it will work for me as

@Dave, Please do not apologize. I am myself unable to understand how to
reply most of the times. When you say "upgrade packages", I think you
refer to "pkg_add -u". When you say "clean out old dependencies", I am
unable to understand what would need to be done. Currently, I have not
installed any packages, since I am still learning the functionality in
the base.



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