On Wed, March 7, 2018 10:06 am, flipchan wrote:
> smtpctl encrypt mypassword
> Then syntax
> user:password ?
> On March 6, 2018 9:46:26 PM UTC, trondd <tro...@kagu-tsuchi.com> wrote:
>>On Tue, March 6, 2018 1:48 pm, flipchan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> im trying to create a mail server and i keep getting opensmtpd
>>> authentication fail
>>> i tried using neomutt and regular mutt, but no success
>>> tail -f /var/log/maillog
>>> Mar  6 18:15:37 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login:
>>> method=PLAIN, rip=homeip, lip=server, mpid=54071, TLS,
>>> session=<GUjwbcJm/VRe/m7Z>
>>> Mar  6 18:15:48 mail dovecot: imap-login: Login:
>>> method=PLAIN, rip=homeip, lip=server, mpid=11081, TLS,
>>> session=<LwGSbsJm7oRe/m7Z>
>>> Mar  6 18:15:55 mail smtpd[77144]: 7b289a2a8f3efe40 smtp
>>> address=homeip host=homeip
>>> Mar  6 18:15:55 mail smtpd[77144]: 7b289a2a8f3efe40 smtp
>>> address=homeip host=homeip ciphers="version=TLSv1.2,
>>> cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, bits=256"
>>> Mar  6 18:15:55 mail smtpd[77144]: 7b289a2a8f3efe40 smtp
>>> event=authentication user=user address=homeip host=homeip
>>> Mar  6 18:15:56 mail smtpd[77144]: 7b289a2a8f3efe40 smtp
>>> event=failed-command address=homeip host=homeip command="AUTH PLAIN
>>> result="535 Authentication failed"
>>> Mar  6 18:15:57 mail smtpd[77144]: 7b289a2a8f3efe40 smtp event=closed
>>> address=homeip host=homeip reason=disconnect
>>> dovecot works so i can get imap but opensmtpd does work
>>> im using openbsd6.2
>>> # cat /etc/mail/smtpd.conf
>>> pki mail.mysite.com certificate "/etc/ssl/mail.mysite.com.crt"
>>> pki mail.mysite.com key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.mysite.com.key"
>>> # tables setup
>>> table aliases file:/etc/mail/aliases
>>> table domains file:/etc/mail/domains
>>> table passwd file:/etc/mail/passwd
>>> table virtuals file:/etc/mail/virtuals
>>> # listen ports setup
>>> #listen on lo0
>>> listen on vio0 port 25 tls-require pki mail.mysite.com
>>> #listen on vio0 port 587 tls-require pki mail.mysite.com auth
>>> listen on vio0 port 587 smtps pki mail.mysite.com auth <passwd>
>>> # special case for gmail to avoid ipv6 here
>>> #limit mta for domain gmail.com inet4
>>> # allow local messages
>>> accept from local for local alias <aliases> deliver to lmtp
>>> "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to
>>> # allow virtual domains
>>> accept from any for domain <domains> virtual <virtuals> deliver to
>>> "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to
>>> # allow outgoing mails
>>> accept from local for any relay
>>> #reject from ! source <other-relays> sender "@mysite.com" for any
>>> both dovecot and smtpd reads passwd's from /etc/mail/passwd and only
>>> dovecot works, think its some kind of smtpd config that is wrong...
>>Is the password encrypted properly?
>>   In a listener context, the credentials are a mapping of username and
>>     encrypted passwords:
>>           user1
>>           user2
>>     The passwords are to be encrypted using the smtpctl(8) encrypt
>>     subcommand.
> --
> Take Care Sincerely flipchan layerprox dev

This comes from the table(5) man page.

The file will be:
username encryptedpassword

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