please include the output of "dhclient -vv re0"

On 2018 Mar 09 (Fri) at 09:14:08 +0100 (+0100), Holger Glaess wrote:
:i have here an fresh installed openbsd 6.3-beta on an samsung ultrabook
:series 5
:problem is the he don't get an ip address on his ethernet interface.
:i see on my dhcp server the request coming and he send an offer but the
:samsung diden't get it.
:if i boot an simple stupid ubuntu 16.04.02 install cd , the interface works
:and got an ip.
:dmesg below.
:there is no config for the dhclient .
:bug ?

The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas
River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little

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