Are you sure your zonefile is really good?

Have you tested with nsd-checkzone tool?
idem for your nsd config with nsd-checkconf tool?

Le 03/16/18 à 18:55, Ivo Chutkin a écrit :
> Hi to all there,
> I am running authoritative dns servers on 5.9 and nsd.
> I add new domain but I got these errors:
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ SOA
> record with invalid domain name
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ out of
> zone data
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: master/clients/ zone
> configured as '' has no SOA record.
> Mar 16 19:29:16 dns11 nsd[7480]: zone file
> master/clients/ read with 8 errors
> Domain is valid, dns records point to my dns servers ( and
> The zone file looks like this:
> /var/nsd/zones/master # cat ./clients/
> $TTL 86400
> @       3600    SOA (
>                         2018031601      ; serial
>                         1800            ; refresh
>                         7200            ; retry
>                         1209600         ; expire
>                         3600 )          ; negative
>                 NS
>                 NS
>                 MX      0
> www             A
>  A
> mail            CNAME
> What could be wrong here?
> Exactly the same zone but with different TLD loads and work as it should.
> The only problem I could imagine is that I added this zone before my
> servers were authoritative for this domain.
> I will appreciate your help.
> Thanks,
> Ivo

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<me>Stephane HUC as PengouinBSD or CIOTBSD</me>

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